Application reports
Our sensors are used in various fields and industries.
Learn more about our products, references as well as possible fields of application for your branch in our application reports.

Developing the LVDT-ISDP with pneumatic sensor rod control and integrated signal conditioner has made it possible to pneumatically keep the sensor rod retracted until the glass surface reached the rear wall. This sensor solution from Inelta Sensorsysteme means precise measurement values free of hysteresis can be supplied while avoiding changes in work procedures.
Checking position of plate glass in production
Initial situation
Various measuring methods can be used to determine the position of plate glass, depending on the requirements. Ultrasonic or mechanical displacement measurement systems are usually used here. In order to record the distance between the back wall and the glass surface as well as the distance and position of the panels, the search was on for a suitable sensor solution. This one should avoid production errors and improve work safety.
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Customer value
- Pneumatic control of the encoder rod minimises production errors
- Storage logistics optimised
- Increased and improved accuracy
- Improved occupational safety

The miniature LVDT-IKDT series made by Inelta Sensorsysteme is ideally suited for quality monitoring in manufacturing processes. Due to their small diameter of only 8mm, sensors of the LVDT-IKDT series are convenient for use in limited space and additionally provide precise measurement results.
Quality monitoring during the production process
Initial situation
During the manufacturing of thin rolled sheet such as nickel-iron alloys, the accuracy and quality of the strip output thickness are very important factors. Both equipment wear and fluctuations in material grade have a decisive influence on quality. High-resolution displacement sensors can be used to determine tendency deviations of the sheet thickness in relation to the roll width.
Customer value
- Creation of quality trend profiles
- Reduction of complex finishing treatments
- Fine adjustment for machine optimisation
- Early detection of signs of wear
- Quality improvement of the rolled material

The robust LVDT displacement sensor from Inelta Sensorsysteme can detect changes in bridge statics at an early stage by reliably detecting smallest displacements at critical load points. Inelta‘s special LVDTs for static monitoring feature an unprecedented compact design with a length-to-touch ratio of 1:1.5.
Precise bridge monitoring with LVDT sensors
Initial situation
The number of bridges in need of rehabilitation has increased significantly in recent years. In addition to unexpected material fatigue or undercutting of foundations, the causes are often found in overloading due to increasing traffic and inadequate monitoring of structural statics. In order to detect damage and hazards to bridges at an early stage, reliable monitoring of bridge statics is needed under outdoor conditions.
Customer value
- free from wear and maintenance due to contactless measurement
- highly weatherproof: optimal for demanding outdoor environments due to welded housing, bellows and high sealing IP67
- optimised length-to-touch ratio if 1:1.5 for compact construction
- robust design and unlimited resolution for long-term monitoring